Monday, January 23, 2012

Toast to Tea Tuesday!!!

Over the past few weeks since I started school once more for second semester, I have really been getting into   tea.  I drink it to calm myself down, whenever I'm thirsty, or sometimes just because I feel more at ease when sipping a cup of steaming hot tea.  

So anyway, I decided to make this a part of my weekly routine by adding a "Tea Tuesday."  That's right, not only do I get to wear a hoodie on Fridays (click here to read about Hoodie Friday), but now I get to sip on some tea every Tuesday morning.  

Here's to Tea Tuesday, everyone!  Drink up!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kendra I'm Ellie and I blog at

    I just love your blog (new follower)

    Stop on by to mine and if you like it follow along pretty please.

    I love tea too!
    As a matter of fact I had some Tuesday morning. haha.

    Happy Day!


In the words of John Mayer: "Say what you need to say"